
This is a surname of French origins, although ultimately Roman. Recorded in a wide range of spellings including Call, Callar, Caller, Cel, Cell, Cell, Celler, Seller, Sellers (England), Celes, Celle, Celler, Cellier (France), Celes, Celis, Celech, and Celez (Spain and Portugal), and Cella, Celli and Celloni, (Italy), the name has two possible origins. It may be locational from living at a village which had once been the site of a hermits cell, or it more likelyit was job descriptive for a person who kept a storehouse, or prehaps was reposnible for the stores at a royal or noble palce or castle. The derivation is from the Roman (Latin) word 'cella', and there is a clear association with the English words and surnames Sellar or Cellar, which have the same meaning and origin. In this case recordings of the surname taken from early church registers in Europe include:Adam de Celer of Yorks, in the Hundred Rolls of landowners in the year 1273, and Agnes de Seler also of York in the Poll Tax registers of 1379. Other early examples taken at random and showing the spread and development of the surname include Geofric Cel, who married Jane Frere, at the church of St Mary Aldermary, in the city of London, on March 4th 1575, Jean Decelle of Bard, in the Loire, France, on September 10th 1680, Hieronim Celis, of Castella de la Selva, Gerona, Spain, on September 1st 1683, and Amelia Celiz, the daughter of Ann Celiz, born in Southwark, London, on February 23rd 1861.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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