
Recorded as Braga, Braganca, Braganza, and possibly others, this is a surname of Portugese origins. It originates from the region called Braganza and according to the Dictionary of Surnames, the city of Braga in Northern Portugal. The origination in both cases is the Latin word 'bracaria' from 'bracae' meaning trousers. This is presumed to mean either a place whre such garments were made, or more probably the people who wore a particular type of trouser, not usually seen elsewhere. Locational names are usually 'from' names, which is to say that they were surnames given to people after they left their original homes and moved somewhere else. In this case though the surname is strongly associated with the medieval Branganza family who controlled the area, Catherine of Braganza being the chosen bride of King Charles 11nd when he regained the throne of England in 1660. Examples of recordings include Izabel, Princess of Braganza, who was christened in London, England, on June 28th 1910, and in the same year, Angela Dos Prazares Braganca, who was christened at Braga on September 7th 1910.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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