
Recorded in many forms including Bon, Lebon, Bone, Labonne (France), Bone and Boon (England), Bueno (Spain), Bono, Buono, Labuono (Italy), and patronymics and diminutives such as Bonnard, Bonin, Bonnineau, Bonnot (France), Bonelli, Bonetti, Bonotti, De Bono, De Boni, Bono, Boni, Bonis (Italy), and many more, this is or was a medieval surname. It originates from the Latin word "bonus" meaning good, through the later French "bon". It is regarded as being an ironic nickname surname for somebody who was less than good! Another possible origin at least for a few nameholders is from St. Bonus. During the period of the Christian Revival in the 12th century, when along with various unsuccessful attempts by the Knights Templar (Crusaders) to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims, much research was carried by the hierarchy of the church into biblical origins. This research brought up the minor martyr St Bonus, who was unfortunate enough to be a Christian believer in Rome at a time when the Roman Emperors had other views. St Bonus was martyrd with eleven other compatriots, by order of the Emperor Vespasian in the 3rd century, and it can makes one wonder what horrors had to be undergone in order to become a major martyr! The earliest known recording of the surname in any spelling is believed to be that of Edward le Bon. He is recorded in the Curia Regis rolls of the city of Oxford, England, in the year 1204.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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