
Recorded in England as Wohler and Wohlers, and in Germany as Wolle, Wollen, Woller, Wollers, Woehler, Wohler, Wohlers, Wohlerss and possibly others, this is a surname of some antiquity. It is understood to be cognate with the English name Wooler or Wooller which as an occupational surname originally described a wool merchant or at least somebody who prepared wool for manufacture. However another suggestion is that it is similar to the job descriptive name Fuller. This was a textile worker who 'trod' the wool to scour it. Occupational surnames were amongst the earliest to be created, however they generally did not become hereditary until a son or a close relative, followed the father into the same line of business. This surname is first recorded in the medieval registers of Germany in the year 1318 with that of Heinric Wollere of Worrstadt, given as being a 'wollschlager' or wool worker, and much later that of Paul Wohler who married Anna Sill at Gross Tuchen, Pomerania, on May 13th 1761. in England we have what is believed to be the first recording with that of Otto Wohlers at St Mary Whitechapel, Stepney, on April 20th 1851.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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