Wilcock — This interesting name is a medieval derivative of William, which itself originates from the Old German pre 7th Century vilga meaning strength of mind, and helm a helmet, and was introduced by the Normans after 1066. The suffix cock , a nickname… … Surnames reference
Wilcockes — This interesting name is a medieval derivative of William, which itself originates from the Old German pre 7th Century vilga meaning strength of mind, and helm a helmet, and was introduced by the Normans after 1066. The suffix cock , a nickname… … Surnames reference
Wilcocks — This interesting name is a medieval derivative of William, which itself originates from the Old German pre 7th Century vilga meaning strength of mind, and helm a helmet, and was introduced by the Normans after 1066. The suffix cock , a nickname… … Surnames reference
Willcocks — This interesting name is a medieval derivative of William, which itself originates from the Old German pre 7th Century vilga meaning strength of mind, and helm a helmet, and was introduced by the Normans after 1066. The suffix cock , a nickname… … Surnames reference
Wyllcock — This interesting name is a medieval derivative of William, which itself originates from the Old German pre 7th Century vilga meaning strength of mind, and helm a helmet, and was introduced by the Normans after 1066. The suffix cock , a nickname… … Surnames reference
Wyllcocks — This interesting name is a medieval derivative of William, which itself originates from the Old German pre 7th Century vilga meaning strength of mind, and helm a helmet, and was introduced by the Normans after 1066. The suffix cock , a nickname… … Surnames reference
List of Quebec historical newspapers — This is a list of Quebec historical newspapers. 1760 1769 * The Quebec Gazette/La Gazette de Québec , 1764, Quebec City, William Brown and Thomas Gilmore, printers (John Neilson inherited the paper from his uncle William Brown in 1793; and is… … Wikipedia
Буэнос-Айрес штат Аргентинской республики — (Buenos Ayres) один из 14 штатов Аргентинской республики; граничит на севера с провинцией Санта Фе, на юге с Атлантическим океаном, на востоке с Параной, Ла Платой и Атлантическим океаном, на западе с территорией Ла Пампа; занимает 198104 кв. км … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Буэнос-Айрес, штат Аргентинской республики — (Buenos Ayres) один из 14 штатов Аргентинской республики; граничит на севера с провинцией Санта Фе, на юге с Атлантическим океаном, на востоке с Параной, Ла Платой и Атлантическим океаном, на западе с территорией Ла Пампа; занимает 198104 кв. км … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Liste des quotidiens et hebdomadaires québécois disparus — Cet article présente une liste des quotidiens et hebdomadaires québécois disparus, présentés en ordre chronologique de première parution. Sommaire 1 1760 1769 2 1770 1779 3 1790 1799 4 1800 1809 … Wikipédia en Français