
Recorded in a wide range of spellings including Wick, Wicker, Wickardt, Wickert, Wickmann, Wickrath, Wickwarth and the seeming anglicised spelling of Wickwar, this is a surname of Germanic pre 7th century origins. It derives from the personal name 'Wicko', also found as a rare place name, and itself from an early word 'wig' meaning 'battle', from the 13th century and thereafter, developed into a popular surname. Sometimes recorded just in the singular form as Wick or Wicker, sometimes as a compound name with various suffix such as '-mann' meaning friend or associate, or '-hard', meaning just that, tough, strong and warrior like. Early Germanic personal names and the corresponding Anglo-Saxon forms followed a similar theme of strength, success and a general appreciation of the law. What makes these names so unusual is that they were largely created in the time of history known as 'The Dark Ages', when after the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century a.d., there followed many centuries of strife and war. During this time any form of continuous upholding of the law was largely wishful thinking. Early examples of the surname recording taken from surviving German registers, charters and rolls include: Godeschalus de Wik of Pomerania in the year 1278, Niclaus Wikelin of Burgenfeld in 1347, Heinrich Wickrath of Koln in 1594, and Hermann Wickwarth at the Lutheran church, Konitz, Westpreussen, on August 21st 1837.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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