
Recorded in over forty spelling forms ranging from Folk, Folke, Volk, Volke, Volkes, Volker, Volkers, Volkel, Folkel, Voltz, Volkelts, Volkaerts, Volkert, Volkmann, Volkering, Volsch, Volser, and many others, this is a surname of Germanic origins. It derives from the pre 7th century word "folk" which implies a tribe, and which in turn became a popular baptismal name before developing as a surname after the 13th century. To the base form and over the centuries, has been added many different suffix elements usually implying the patronymic "son of" or the diminutive "little". This type of name was very popular in the period of history known as "The Dark Ages" between the 5th century and the fall of the Roman Empire, and the coming of the Emperor Charlemagne in the 9th century. During this time most names were created around the implied themes of authority because there was little or none, religion and glory, and this is an excellent example of the art. As a surname it is one of the earliest recorded in Germany as shown below. Early examples of the surname recording include Hinricus Volke of Schwabach, Heidleberg, in 1401, Ulrich Folke, of Augsburg in 1434, Albrecht Folcker of Knoringen, in 1548, and Johan Frederich Voelker, of Herrstein, state of Oldenburg, on September 6th 1713. The first recorded spelling of the family name is possibly that of Heinse Volker. This in the charters of the city of Thuringen, Germany, in 1398, during the reign of Emperor Wenceslas, of the Holy Roman (German) empire, 1378 - 1400.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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