
Recorded in England in the spelling of Volante, Volonte, and Volant, this very interesting surname is of ancient French, and Italian origins. It would seem to have been first recorded in England in the 18th century after the 1685 repeal of the 'Edict of Nantes' and probably has some Huguenot ancestry. The surname derives from the Latin word 'volare' and in this context translates literally as 'to fly'. Some researchers believe that it is a nickname for a fickle or flighty person, but the explanation is almost certainly job descriptive, and describes a rider or driver of a vehicle, one who made it fly! Early continental recordings are erratic, many registers were destroyed in the 1792 - 1815 Napoleonic Wars, when the churches were often forcibly closed down. We are however able to show examples both from France, ( the Department of Meurthe-et-Moselle ) as below, and from Italy, where Gaetano Volante and his wife Mariantonia Iannotta, were witnesses at Prata Sannita, Caserta, on October 7th 1863. A Coat of Arms was granted to Volante of Seville, this being a black two headed eagle displayed on a green field, inside a blue border, charged with eight gold fleur de lis. English recording examples include John Volant, who married Sarah Chis (?) at St Dunstans in the East, Stepney, on April 18th 1727, Thomas and Rebecca Volante, witnesses at St Mary's, Bermondsey, on February 19th 1804, and Venanzio Volonte, a witness at St Martins in the Field, Westminster on November 1st, 1812. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Nicholas Volant, which was dated February 11th 1676, who married at Bicqueley, Meurther-et-Moselle, during the reign of King Louis X1V, of France, known as the 'Sun King', 1643 - 1715. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • volante — (Del ant. part. act. de volar; lat. volans, antis). 1. adj. Que vuela. 2. Que va o se lleva de una parte a otra sin sitio o asiento fijo. 3. Mar. Dicho de ciertos elementos de un barco: Sueltos, que no están fijos. 4. m. Guarnición rizada,… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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  • volante (1) — {{hw}}{{volante (1)}{{/hw}}A part. pres.  di volare ; anche agg. 1 Che vola | Macchina –v, aeromobile | Cervo –v, aquilone | Foglio –v, foglio di carta che non fa parte di un fascicolo rilegato, di un quaderno e sim. | Indossatrice –v, non legata …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • Volante — Vo*lan te, n. [Sp., prop., flying.] A two wheeled carriage formerly much used in Cuba. The body is in front of the axle; the driver rides on the horse. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Volante — (spr. Wolangt), 1) sonst gewöhnliches langes Kleid für Frauenzimmer, welches vorn dicht zusammenging; 2) ein Stein, an den ein Stück Spiegelglas festgekittet ist, womit eine größere, festliegende Glasplatte polirt wird …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • volante — adj. 2 g. 1. Que tem a faculdade de voar. 2. Que se pode levantar e tornar a assentar. 3. Que não tem paradeiro, errante; que ora está num lugar ora noutro. 4. Que anda em operações sem bagagem nem artilharia. 5. Que não é servido com as… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Volante — ► adjetivo 1 Que vuela: ■ afirma haber visto platillos volantes la pasada noche. SINÓNIMO volador 2 Que va o se lleva de un sitio a otro: ■ la carrera fue retransmitida por varios equipos volantes. SINÓNIMO itinerante ► sustantivo masculino 3… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Volante — El término volante puede hacer referencia a: Volante, tipo de mando de dirección de los vehículos. Volante, controlador de videojuego diseñado para simuladores y videojuegos de carreras. Volante de inercia, elemento pasivo que acumula energía en… …   Wikipedia Español

  • volante — 1vo·làn·te p.pres., agg., s.f., s.m. 1. p.pres. → 1volare 2. agg. AU che vola, che è in grado di volare: insetto volante 3. agg. TS arald. di uccello, rappresentato mentre vola 4. agg. AU fig., privo di una collocazione stabile, provvisorio; che… …   Dizionario italiano

  • volante — ● volant, volante adjectif (de voler) Qui vole, a la faculté de se mouvoir dans les airs : Insecte volant. Qui se déplace dans les airs, traverse l espace : Soucoupe volante. Se dit de certains objets suspendus et mobiles : Échafaudage volant. Qu …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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