
Recorded as Varga and Vargas, these are two similar surnames from quite different origins and nationality. Varga is usually Hungarian, and when of that origin is occupational for a shoemaker or cobbler. Not surprisingly occupational surnames were amongst the first to be created, however they did not usually become hereditary unless a son followed a father into the same line of business. Many did not, and when that happened, the son might be called both by his occupation, and just to make sure, that of his fathers as well! Vargas in the plural, is usually Spanish and Portugese. As such it is locational from a town called Vargas, or topographical from a 'varga'. This was agricultural land which was flooded in the winter, in effect water meadows. However to add to the confusion the word in different areas of Spain can also mean a hut, and in other parts, a hillside. A further problem is that when the name is found in other countries outside those of its normal origin, it may not be possible to tell whether it is Hungarian or Iberian. Early examples of surname recordings include those of Diego Vargas of Valladolid, Spain, on April 12th 1519, and that of Maria Varga at Detk, in the region of Heves, in Hungary.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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