TIBBS — (Texas Instruments Bulletin Board System) was a computer BBS system that was popular in the early to mid 1980 s. TIBBS was the first BBS written to run on the TI 99/4A microcomputer. The program was begun because its author, Ralph Fowler, of… … Wikipedia
TIBBS — Total Ischaemic Burden Bisoprolol Study … Medical dictionary
TIBBS — • Total Ischaemic Burden Bisoprolol Study … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
Virgil Tibbs — is a fictional character who is one of the two leading male characters in John Ball s 1965 novel In the Heat of the Night . He is also the protagonist in six sequels to that novel, the Oscar winning 1967 film of the same name based on the… … Wikipedia
Henry Tibbs — The Reverend Henry Stanley Tibbs (died 1943) was an United Kingdom vicar interned in 1940 under Defence Regulation 18B for his alleged pro Nazi sympathies.Henry Tibbs was the Vicar of the parish of Teigh, Rutland in the United Kingdom from 1925.… … Wikipedia
Delbert Tibbs — is an American man who was wrongfully convicted of murder and rape in 1974 and sentenced to death, and was later exonerated. He later became a writer and anti death penalty activist. Contents 1 Early life and trial 2 Legacy 3 References 4 … Wikipedia
They Call Me MISTER Tibbs! — Mr. Tibbs redirects here. For the fictional butler, see the article on The BFG. They Call Me MISTER Tibbs! Promotional movie poster for the film Directed … Wikipedia
William Henry Tibbs — (June 10, 1816 ndash; October 18, 1906) was a Tennessee attorney and politician who served in the Confederate States Congress during the American Civil War. He was noted as a firebrand States Rights advocate and Southern secessionist.Tibbs was… … Wikipedia
Appelez-moi Monsieur Tibbs! — Appelez moi Monsieur Tibbs Appelez moi Monsieur Tibbs (titre original : They Call Me MISTER Tibbs!) est un film américain réalisé par Gordon Douglas, sorti en 1970. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution … Wikipédia en Français
They Call Me MISTER Tibbs! — Appelez moi Monsieur Tibbs Appelez moi Monsieur Tibbs (titre original : They Call Me MISTER Tibbs!) est un film américain réalisé par Gordon Douglas, sorti en 1970. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution … Wikipédia en Français