
Recorded in many spellings including Bannon, Banane, Benion, Bennon, Benyon, Benian, Benane, Baynham, Benain, Benaine, Binyon, Binion, and no doubt others, this unusual and interesting surname has complex origins. It can be Irish or Welsh, and if the latter is the modern form of the ancient patronymics "ap Einion" or "Ap Eynon", meaning the son of Einion". This personal name means " The anvil", and therefore implies stability and fortitude and is also associated with the word "uniawn", meaning upright or just. St. Einiawn was one of the early Welsh Saints, after whom a spring is name at Llavareth in Radnorshire. The development of the name shows the gradual change from "ap" to "ab", finally dropping the "a", with early developments which include Ap Eignion in 1260, Ap Eynon in 1300, to Ab Eynon in 1310. Later examples in the medieval charters of Wales include John Baynham in 1455, and John Beynon in 1507. In Ireland the surname most often recorded as Bannon or Banane is also a patronymic. It is believed to translate as the descendant of the son of the white faced one. This may be a reference to a Viking chief, since they controlled much of Ireland in the 10th century. The clan originates from Leap Castle in County Offally. The first known recorded spelling of the family name in any form is believed to be that of David Abeinon. This was dated 1313, in the Parliamentary Writs of England and Wales, during the reign of King Edward 11nd, 1307 - 1327. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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