
This most interesting surname of Anglo-Saxon origin derives from the Olde English pre 7th Century personal name "Taeppa". It may be either a diminutive or a patronymic form of this given name; if a patronymic, the suffix "-ing", means "son of". The personal name "Taeppa" is also found in many placenames, for example, Tappington, Taplow, Tapner and Tapton, and is thought to derive from "Taeppere", which means "one who taps casks, an inn-keeper". The surname first appears in records in the early 13th Century (see below). One Geoffrey Tapping was recorded in the Feet of Fines of Northumberland in 1235, while the Assize Court Rolls of Warwickshire record a Robert Tappyng in 1221. London Church Registers list the following entries: Joone Topyune, who married Robert Wodde on May 27th 1549 at All Hallows, Honey Lane, and the marriage of Leonard Toppin to Joanes Haynes on August 30th 1552 at St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey. Miles Tappin was a landholder in the Barbadoes in 1679 and had sons Miles and William, baptised on April 1st 1678 and September 15th 1679 respectively, in the parish of St. George's, Barbadoes. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Ralph Tapping, which was dated 1220, in the "Feet of Fines of Berkshire", during the reign of King Henry 111, known as "The Frenchman", 1216 - 1272. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • Tapping — is a playing technique generally associated with the electric guitar, although the technique may be performed on almost any string instrument. There are two main methods of tapping: one handed or ordinary tapping, and two handed tapping. It may… …   Wikipedia

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  • tapping — ● tapping nom masculin (mot anglais de to tap, tapoter) Vitesse avec laquelle un sujet peut faire osciller son bras ou sa main, sans tenir compte de la précision de la visée. (Le test de tapping est utilisé pour mesurer la motricité élémentaire.) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Tapping —   [englisch, tæpɪȖ; wörtlich »klopfen, tippen«], auch Touch Technique, Twohand Technique, eine Anschlagstechnik auf der Gitarre: mit den Fingern beider Hände wird auf die Saiten über den Bundstäbchen geschlagen (auch mit Abzugsbindungen). Diese… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • tapping — [tap′iŋ] n. 1. the act of a person or thing that taps 2. [pl.] that which is drawn by tapping …   English World dictionary

  • Tapping — Tapping. См. Нарезка резьбы. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

  • Tapping — Figure 1 Tapping à une main Le majeur de la main droite frappe le manche et tire légèrement la corde pour faire sonner deux notes à la suite (celle de la case frappée puis celle de la case où l annulaire de la main gauche est posé). Seule la main …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tapping — El tapping (también conocido como fingertapping) es una técnica instrumental de guitarra eléctrica y el bajo (instrumentos de cuerda). Éste es ejecutado utilizando los dedos de la mano de la púa para presionar las cuerdas sobre el mástil del… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Tapping up — In professional team sports, tapping up (British English) or tampering (American English) is an attempt to persuade a player contracted to one team to transfer to another team, without the knowledge or permission of the player s current team.… …   Wikipedia

  • tapping — tapping1 /tap ing/, n. 1. the act of a person or thing that taps or strikes lightly. 2. the sound produced by this. [1400 50; late ME; see TAP1, ING1] tapping2 /tap ing/, n. 1. the act of tapping casks, telephone conversations, etc. 2. something… …   Universalium

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