Spearett — This name is a combination of Olde English Spir or Spur which was a nickname for a tall person , plus the French Petit meaning small or in this case Son of the Tall One . The name probably derives from the Early Medieval period after The Norman… … Surnames reference
Speariett — This name is a combination of Olde English Spir or Spur which was a nickname for a tall person , plus the French Petit meaning small or in this case Son of the Tall One . The name probably derives from the Early Medieval period after The Norman… … Surnames reference
Spurret — This name is a combination of Olde English Spir or Spur which was a nickname for a tall person , plus the French Petit meaning small or in this case Son of the Tall One . The name probably derives from the Early Medieval period after The Norman… … Surnames reference
Spurrett — This name is a combination of Olde English Spir or Spur which was a nickname for a tall person , plus the French Petit meaning small or in this case Son of the Tall One . The name probably derives from the Early Medieval period after The Norman… … Surnames reference
Sperrett — Recorded in a wide range of spellings including Spearett, Speariett, Spirett, Spirit, Spiritt, Spirritt, Spurett, and others, this medieval surname is English, but with some French input. It is a diminutive and derives from the pre 7th century… … Surnames reference
Spirit — Recorded in a wide range of spellings including Spearett, Speariett, Spirett, Spirit, Spiritt, Spirritt, Spurett, and others, this medieval surname is English, but with some French input. It is a diminutive and derives from the pre 7th century… … Surnames reference
Spirritt — Recorded in a wide range of spellings including Spearett, Speariett, Spirett, Spirit, Spiritt, Spirritt, Spurett, and others, this medieval surname is English, but with some French input. It is a diminutive and derives from the pre 7th century… … Surnames reference
Spoure — This name is a combination of Olde English Spir or Spur which was a nickname for a tall person , plus the French Petit meaning small or in this case Son of the Tall One . The name probably derives from the Early Medieval period after The Norman… … Surnames reference
Spurritt — This name is a combination of Olde English Spir or Spur which was a nickname for a tall person , plus the French Petit meaning small or in this case Son of the Tall One . The name probably derives from the Early Medieval period after The Norman… … Surnames reference