ryott — (ri ot ) s. m. Nom des paysans dans l Inde. ÉTYMOLOGIE Arabe, ra aiat, la gent sujette, plur. ra ayâ, les sujets ; le même que raïa … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Members of the Queensland Legislative Assembly, 1896–1899 — This is a list of members of the Queensland Legislative Assembly from 1896 to 1899, as elected at the 1896 state election. Name Party Electorate Term in office John Annear Ministerial Maryborough 1884–1902 William Armstrong Ministerial Lockyer… … Wikipedia
Opera North: history and repertoire, seasons 2004– — Opera North is an opera company based at The Grand Theatre, Leeds, England. This article covers the period during which the Music Director has been Richard Farnes. Contents 1 History 2 Repertoire 3 Sources … Wikipedia
Kennet Valley Alderwoods — is a 56.8 hectare (140.35 acre) Site of Special Scientific Interest in the civil parishes of Welford and Speen in the English county of Berkshire, notified in 1997.Located at gbmapping|SU400675 and at gbmapping|SU444669, these woodlands are the… … Wikipedia
Members of the Queensland Legislative Assembly, 1904–1907 — This is a list of members of the Queensland Legislative Assembly from 1904 to 1907, as elected at the 1904 state election. At the start of the period, the state was governed by a coalition of a Liberal group led by Arthur Morgan, and the Labour… … Wikipedia
Members of the Queensland Legislative Assembly, 1907–1908 — This is a list of members of the Queensland Legislative Assembly from May 1907 to February 1908, as elected at the 1907 state election. The Kidston Party, led by Premier William Kidston in the days before organised political parties and… … Wikipedia
Members of the Queensland Legislative Assembly, 1908–1909 — This is a list of members of the Queensland Legislative Assembly from February 1908 to October 1909, as elected at the 1908 state election. The Philp Ministry did not command a majority on the floor of the Assembly during its short term of… … Wikipedia
Members of the Queensland Legislative Assembly, 1909–1912 — This is a list of members of the Queensland Legislative Assembly from 1909 to 1912, as elected at the 1909 state election. Name Party Electorate Term in office John Adamson[1] Labor Rockhampton 1907–1909; 1911–1917 James Allan Ministerial South… … Wikipedia
Stewart Rome — Stewart Rome, eigentlich Wernham Ryott Gifford (* 30. Januar 1886 in Newbury, Berkshire, Vereinigtes Königreich; † 26. Februar 1965 ebenda) war eine britischer Schauspieler, ein Stummfilmidol der 10er und 20er Jahre. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2… … Deutsch Wikipedia