
This interesting surname of Scottish origin with variant spellings Peart, Peert, Perte, Pert, etc. is a locational name from Pert on the North Esk near Montrose, so called from a Pictish or Celtic term for a wood or copse. The surname dates back to the late 14th Century, (see below). Further recordings include one Henricus Pert (1379) "The Poll Tax Records of Yorkshire" Agnes Peert married Olyuer Barrett on January 22nd 1545, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, Anne, daughter of Xpofer Pert, was christened on October 20th 1577, at St. Peter le Poer, London, and Anne Pert married Cuttberd Martin on February 20th 1605, at St. Olave, Hart St., London. One Katherine Peart of Nather Towie, a witness is recorded in "The Records of the Sheriff court of Aberdeenshire". Ann Pert Married Robert Anderson at St. Bride's, Fleet St., London, on July 16th 1659. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Agnes Pert, which was dated 1379, in the "Poll Tax Records of Yorkshire", during the reign of King Richard 11, known as "Richard of Bordeaux", 1377 - 1399. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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