- Musicka
- Recorded in many forms including Musika, Musicko, Musico (Italian & Balkan), Musial, Musilek (Polish), Musil (Czech), and others, this is a surname of pre medieval origins. It derives from the original Greek 'mousike' through the later Latin 'musica', the precise meaning being according to the Oxford English Dictionary 'technical art'. As a surname it is clearly one that was given to a professional musician, perhaps one who taught music, or who performed publically. The strolling players of Europe who moved in groups from town to town in ancient times, were much sought after. In addition to their entertainment they were a great source of news and gossip, and they probably provided one of the few contacts for most people with the outside world. However unlike the British Isles, records of births and marriage in many if not quite all, parts of Europe over the centuries have been poor or non existent, and this is apparently one of the surnames which has suffered badly in that respect. Italy for instance did not become a unified nation until the end of the 19th century, and centralised records before then did not exist. One recording that we did find was that of Francesco Musico, at Gallina, province of Calabrio Reggio, on June 8th 1899.
Surnames reference. 2013.