
Recorded in several spellings including Mochar, Mocher, Mocker, diminutives Mocket and Mockett, as well as the French forms of Mocquet, Moquin, and Moquard, this a surname of medieval French origins. It is, or rather was, in the 14th century almost certainly a nickname surname for a person who according to the "Dictionnaire Etymologique" for France "gave out!" Certainly the derivation is from the ancient word 'moquer', and whilst the literal 20th century translation is mocker, the medieval meaning may have been different in context. Unfortunately without actually being there when the name was given to the original nameholders, it is very difficult seven hundred years later, to give absolute translations. The word was probably introduced into England by the Normans after the Invasion of 1066. The first recording appears in the register known as the "Feet of Fines", a tax register for King Edward 1st of England in the year 1273. This is in the name of William le Mokare, which almost suggests an official status. Other recordings of a later date include William Mockett, at the famous church of St Dunstans in the East, Stepney, on December 9th 1684, and a few years later the Huguenot entry of Jean Mocquet, at the French church in London, known as "La Patente". This was on August 31st 1726, in the reign of King George 1st of England, 1715 - 1727.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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