
This is a surname of medieval French origins. Recorded in the spellings of Millier, Milliere, Millery and Milier, it is a form of the ancient "Miller", a surname found almost equally in Britain, France and Germany. However "Miller" does not always mean a person who mills corn, in many instances the surname may be a devlopment of the ancient pre 5th century personal name "Mil-hari". This name was very popular throughout Northern Europe and was introduced into England during the Anglo-Saxon era between the 7th and the 10th centuries. "Mil-hari" means "Happy army" or similar, the ancient people being very fond of "names" which represented war, strength and victory. In this case the name, if job descriptive, can be more specific than Miller. The famous French work entitled "Dictionnaire etymologique des noms de famille", suggests that the surname refers to a "producteur de millet". As to when the surname was introduced into Britain is unclear. There are records that suggest that it may be Huguenot, and if so probably 18th century, an example being William Millier, a witness at St Mary's church, Harmondsworth, London, on January 18th 1770. In France the records are erratic or non-existent, however early examples do include Jean Millier of Marinville, Meuthe-et-Moselle, on May 4th 1706, and Catherine Millier, who was remarkably married at the British Embassy, Paris, to Pierre Gerard, on June 30th 1821. The earliest example of the name recording taken from church registers is that of Jaques Millier, a witness at Custimes, Meurthe-et-Moselle, on May 2nd 1690. The was during the reign of King Louis X1V of France, known as "The Sun King", 1643 - 1715.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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