
Recorded in many forms including MacIvor, MacIver, Makiver, MacUre, Maceur, as well as the short forms commening "Mc", and even forms without the Mac such as Ure, this is an ancient Scottish and Gaelic clan surname. It is however ultimately of Norse-Viking pre 7th century origins, and derives from the personal name Ivarr, the later Imhair, introduced into Scotland and Ireland at that time. It is said that in the 9th century, a Norse chief called Imhair joined with Olaf, the White, king of Dublin, in an attack on the south west coast of Scotland. This took them as far as the town of Dunbarton, which they destroyed. The first recognizeable surname holder was Donald Makbeth MacYwar, who was a guardian of the land boundary between Arbroath Abbey and the barony of Kynblathmund in the year 1219. Other early recordings relate to land charters and include Malcom McIur who was elected to the sheriffdom of Lorne in 1292, in 1427, Duncan MacIver of Lorne was granted a royal remission from the king of Scotland, although why this should be so is not known, whilst Dr Andrew Ure was born in Glasgow ibn 1787. It is reported that the clan in later times became associated with the rebel MacGregors, and were given the same punishments, their lands being forfeited. Like the MacGregors the use of the surname was also forbidden, and nameholders forced to take the name of Campbell. In the case of the MacGregors this punishment was not finally lifted until 1780.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • Ure — Ure, n. [OE. ure, OF. oevre, ovre, ouvre, work, F. [oe]uvre, L. opera. See {Opera}, {Operate}, and cf. {Inure}, {Manure}.] Use; practice; exercise. [Obs.] Fuller. [1913 Webster] Let us be sure of this, to put the best in ure That lies in us.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ure — Ure, v. t. To use; to exercise; to inure; to accustom by practice. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] The French soldiers . . . from their youth have been practiced and ured in feats of arms. Sir T. More. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • -ure — suffix forming abstract nouns of action, from O.Fr. ure, from L. ura …   Etymology dictionary

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