
This interesting surname has two origins; firstly, it may be of Old French origin, deriving from the Old French "argent" meaning silver, and may have been used either as a nickname for someone with silvery grey hair, as an occupational name for a worker in the metal, or as a topographical name for someone who lived near a silver mine. There are several French towns and villages called Argent, because silver was mined there, and the surname may also derive from any of these. Secondly, it may be a locational name from either of the places, in Aude and Bassey-Alpes, called Argens, deriving from the Late Latin personal name "Argenteus" or "Argentius" meaning "silvery". The surname dates back to the late 12th Century (see below), and early recordings include John Largeant (1524), in the Subsidy Rolls of Suffolk. Variations in the spelling of the surname include: Argente, Arghent, Argentt, Argont, and Argontt. London Church Records list the christening of William, son of Thomas Argent, on April 18th 1619 at St. Andrew's, Enfield, and of John, son of Peter and Anne Argent, on December 12th 1624 at St. Bartholomew the Great. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Geoffrey Argent, which was dated 1180, in the "Pipe Rolls of Northamptonshire", during the reign of King Henry 11, known as "The Builder of Churches", 1154 - 1189. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • ARGENT — L’argent, élément chimique de symbole Ag et de numéro atomique 47, est l’un des métaux les plus anciennement connus. Il semble cependant que sa découverte soit postérieure à celle des deux autres métaux de la même famille chimique: l’or et le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • argent — ARGENT. s. m. Métal blanc, le plus parfait et le plus précieux après l or. Mine d argent. Minière d argent. Veine d argent. Barre, lingot d argent. Argent de mine. Argent de chimie. Argent de bon aloi. Argent de coupelle. Argent de Paris. Argent… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • argent — Argent, Pecunia, argentum, les Alquemistes appellent l argent lune. Argent trespur et bien affiné, Argentum pustulatum. Argent monnoyé, Argentum, Nummus argenteus. Vif argent, Argentum viuum. Argent duquel on n a rien osté, Argentum incolume.… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • argent — ARGENT. s. m. Metal blanc, le plus parfait aprés l or. Mine, miniere d argent. veine d argent. barre, lingot d argent. Monnoye d argent. medailles, jettons, pieces d argent. Ouvrages d argent. vaisselles, estoffes, passements d argent. Argent de… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • ARGENT — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Argent (homonymie). Création 21 février 2005 Propriétaire Groupe TVA (Quebecor Media) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Argent — ist der Name folgender geographischer Objekte in Frankreich: Argent sur Sauldre, Gemeinde im Département Cher Côte d’Argent, ein Abschnitt an der französischen Atlantikküste Kanton Argent sur Sauldre im Département Cher der Oberlauf des Flusses… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Argent-Or — Argentor Der Fluss bei PoursacVorlage:Infobox Fluss/KARTE fehlt Daten …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • argent — argènt m. argent. L argent a la coa lisa prov. . Ni per aur ni per argent : à aucun prix. Escars d argent : court d argent ; pécuniairement un peu juste …   Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu

  • Argent — Жанры рок прогрессивный рок фьюжн хард рок Годы 1968 1976 …   Википедия

  • Argent — Ar gent, n. [F. argent, fr. L. argentum, silver; akin to Gr. a rgyros silver, argo s, argh s, white, bright, Skr. rajata white, silver, raj to shine, Ir. arg white, milk, airgiod silver, money, and L. arguere to make clear. See {Argue}.] 1.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Argent — Ar gent, a. Made of silver; of a silvery color; white; shining. [1913 Webster] Yonder argent fields above. Pope. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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