
Recorded as Ledgard, Legard, Leggard, Lidgard, Luggard, Lugard, and possibly others, this is a surname of Anglo-Saxon and Old German pre 5th century origins. It derives from the personal name "Liudgard" composed of the elements "liut", meaning people or tribe, and "gard", meaning protection or perhaps defence. As Legeard it was a personal name born by the Norman invaders of England in 1066, , but may have been 'native' to the country prior to that date. It was also found in the feminine form as "Liutgard", the name of Emperor Charlemagne's wife in the 9th century. The surname was first recorded in England in the late 13th century (see below), whilst the personal name is recorded as Leggard Joseph in the Subsidy Tax Rolls of Cambridgeshire in 1327. Hugh Leggard appears in the Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, Yorkshire, in 1275 and Thomas Ledgard in the Hundred Rolls of Norfolk, in the same year. Other recordings showing the spelling variations include those of William Lyggard in the Poll Tax Records of Yorkshire in 1379, Thomas Legarde, christened at Terling, Essex, in 1540, and Elizabeth Lugard, who married the exotically named Xpofer Arundell at St Giles Cripplegate, city of London, on July 4th 1625. A coat of arms granted to the family depicts a bend between six red mullets, pierced, a gold cross pattee on a silver shield, with the motto is "Per crucem ad stellas" (By the cross to heaven). Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was sometimes known as the Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • Lugard — may refer to: * Sir Frederick Lugard, 1st Baron Lugard, former Governor of Hong Kong. * Lugard Road, one of many places in Hong Kong named after Sir Frederick. * Lugard is also the capital city of Murandy in the Wheel of Time series of novels by… …   Wikipedia

  • Lugard —   [luː gɑːd], Frederick John Dealtry, Baron Lugard of Abinger [ ɔf æbɪndʒə] (seit 1928), britischer Kolonialbeamter, * Madras 22. 1. 1858, ✝ Abinger (County Surrey) 11. 4. 1945; war 1900 06 Hochkommissar, 1912 19 Gouverneur, dann… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Lugard — (spr. löggard), Sir Frederick, engl. Afrikareisender, geb. 22. Jan. 1858 im Fort George zu Madras, nahm als Offizier in der indischen Armee 1879–1880 am afghanischen Feldzug teil, kämpfte mit Auszeichnung 1885 im Sudân, 1886–87 in Birma,… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Lugard — (Frederick John Dealtry) (1858 1945) administrateur colonial britannique. Il fut le premier gouverneur général du Nigeria (1912 1919). V. Indirect Rule …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Lugard — Frederick Lugard, 1. Baron Lugard Frederick John Dealtry Lugard, 1. Baron Lugard GCMG, CB, DSO, PC (* 22. Januar 1858 in Madras, Indien; † 11. April 1945 in Abinger …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lugard, F.D. — ▪ British colonial administrator in full  Frederick John Dealtry Lugard, Baron Lugard Of Abinger   born Jan. 22, 1858, Fort St. George, Madras, India died April 11, 1945, Abinger, Surrey, Eng.  administrator who played a major part in Britain s… …   Universalium

  • Lugard Road — (zh tspcy|t=盧吉道|s=卢吉道|cy=lou4 gat1 dou6|p=Lújí Dào) is one of Hong Kong s most splendid walks. It has been a prime walking spot for generations. The road is semi circular and links with Harlech Road to surround the Victoria Peak. It is a very… …   Wikipedia

  • Lugard, Frederick Dealtry, Baron Lugard of Abinger — (1858–1945)    British soldier, diplomat, and colonial administrator best known for his articulation of the British policy of indirect rule. Born in India to missionary parents, Lugard was educated in England and later returned to the… …   Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914

  • Lugard, F(rederick) (John) D(ealtry) — later Baron Lugard (of Abinger) born Jan. 22, 1858, Fort St. George, Madras, India died April 11, 1945, Abinger, Surrey, Eng. British colonial administrator. In Nigeria he served as high commissioner (1900–06) and governor and governor general… …   Universalium

  • Lugard, F(rederick) (John) D(ealtry) — post. barón Lugard (de Abinger) (22 ene. 1858, Fort St. George, Madrás, India–11 abr. 1945, Abinger, Surrey, Inglaterra). Administrador colonial británico. En Nigeria se desempeñó como alto comisionado (1900–06), gobernador y gobernador general… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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