
Recorded as Kemball and Kemble, this is an English surname. It is locational from the village of Kemble near Circencester in the West Country. Locational surnames were names that were given either to the local lord of the manor and his descendants, or more usually to former inhabitants of the place who left proably to seek work, and were best identifieed by their new neighbours, by the name of the place from whence they came. Spelling being at best erratic and local accents very thick, often lead to the development of "sounds like" spellings. In this case the name of the place and hence the later surname derives from the Ancient British word Camulos, the name of a pagan god. The village is first recorded as Kemele in the year 686 a.d. making it one of the earliest of all known recordings to survive. The surname is seemingly a thousand years later, with early examples of recordings including John Kemball who married Jane Jones at St James Camberwell, in the city of London in 1657, whilst James Kemble and Judith Davies were married at St Georges Chapel, Hanover Square, Westminster, in 1736.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • Kemble — may refer to:* Charles Kemble, 1775 1854, British actor * Edwin C. Kemble, 1889 1984, American physicist * Fanny Kemble, 1809 1893, English actress who became a writer an anti slavery activist * Gouverneur Kemble, 1786 1875, American ironmaster*… …   Wikipedia

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  • Kemble —   [ kembl],    1) Charles, englischer Schauspieler, * Brecon (Wales) 25. 11. 1775, ✝ London 12. 11. 1854, Bruder von 2); Sohn von Roger Kemble (* 1721, ✝ 1802), dem Begründer der Schauspielerfamilie Kemble; gab 1794 sein Bühnendebüt in London;… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Kemble — (spr. kemmbl), 1) John Philip, engl. Schauspieler, geb. 1. Febr. 1757 zu Preston in Lancashire als Sohn des Schauspielers Roger K. (gest. 1802), gest. 26. Febr. 1823 in Lausanne, betrat 1776 die Bühne in Wolverhampton und spielte dann mit immer… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Kemble — (spr. kemmbl), engl. Schauspielerfamilie. Am berühmtesten: John Philipp K., geb. 1. Febr. 1757 in Preston, 1783 1801 am Drurylanetheater in London, kaufte 1803 einen Anteil am Coventgardentheater, verließ 1817 England, gest. 26. Febr. 1823 zu… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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