
Recorded in many spellings including Fant, Faunt, Vant (English), Enfant and Lenfant (French), Infante (Spanish and Italian), Fante, Fanti, and diminutives Fantino, Fantinelli, Fantocci, Infantino (Italian), and patronymics Del Fante, De Fant (Italian) and Fantes (English), this is an ancient European surname. It derives from the Roman (Latin) word 'infans' and was used as a baptismal name of endearment for a much loved child. It was also in medieval times a status title born by the eldest sons and sometimes dughters of royalty and nobility before they inherited their full title. It is said to be particularly associated with the ancient kingdom of Castille. In England the area of London known as the Elephant and Castle was originally the 'Infanta de Castille.' The name may also have been in medieval times a nickname either for an actor who played the part of an 'infante' in the famous travelling theatres of the medieval period, or possibly for a person who was considered by his or her peer group to have an elevated attitude above their station in life! Early surviving Italian recordings include Francesco Infante at San Severo, Foggia, on June 1st 1830 and Rosa Infantino who married Giovanni Fragpane at Santa Elisabeta, Agrigento, on July 10th 1832.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • Infante — (masculine) or infanta (feminine), also anglicised as infant , was the title and rank given in the medieval European kingdoms of Aragon, Castile, Galicia, Navarre, León, and Portugal to a son or daughter, and to a grandson or granddaughter in the …   Wikipedia

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  • infante — infante, ta (Del lat. infans, antis). 1. m. y f. Niño que aún no ha llegado a la edad de siete años. 2. Pariente del rey que por gracia real obtiene el título de infante o infanta. 3. m. Cada uno de los hijos varones y legítimos del rey, nacidos… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • infante — INFÁNTE, Ă, infanţi, te, s.m. şi f. Titlu dat copiilor regelui Spaniei (şi al Portugaliei), în afară de primul născut; persoană care poartă acest titlu. – Din sp. infante. cf. it. i n f a n t e. Trimis de valeriu, 21.07.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 … …   Dicționar Român

  • infante — ta 1. Con los sentidos de ‘hijo del rey’ y ‘título que por gracia real obtiene un pariente del rey’, se usa la forma infante para el masculino y la forma infanta para el femenino: «Después de una onerosa política bélica, [...] el infante Carlos… …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

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  • infante (1) — {{hw}}{{infante (1)}{{/hw}}A agg. (lett.) Che si trova nell infanzia. B s. m.  e f. Bambino molto piccolo. infante (2) {{hw}}{{infante (2)}{{/hw}}s. m.  (f. a ) In Spagna e Portogallo, principe reale nato dopo il primogenito …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • infante — infante, ta sustantivo masculino,f. 1. Niño pequeño: Da pena ver a tantos infantes enfermos en el mundo. jardín* de infantes. 2. Hijo del rey, a excepción del heredero de la corona: Las infantas inaguraron el acto. 3. Título que se daba… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Infante — In*fan te, n. [Sp. & Pg. See {Infant}.] A title given to every one of sons of the kings of Spain and Portugal, except the eldest or heir apparent. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • infante — [dal lat. infans antis, der. del part. pres. di fari parlare , col pref. in in 2 ; propr. che non sa parlare ], lett. ■ s.m. e f. [individuo della specie umana in tenerissima età] ▶◀ bambino, (lett.) bebè, lattante, neonato, (lett.) pargolo,… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • infante — s. m. 1. Criança, menino (na infância). 2. Filho não primogênito de rei. 3. Soldado de infantaria. = PEÃO 4.  [Antigo] Corista beneditino. • adj. 2 g. 5. Que ainda não fala. 6. Que está na infância. = INFANTIL 7. Relativo à infância. = INFANTIL… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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