Harkins — is an English given name and may refer to:Company*Harkins Theatres a U.S. movie chain.urname* George W. Harkins Native American leader, a chief of the Choctaw tribe during the Indian removals.* Paul D. Harkins U.S. General, first commander of… … Wikipedia
Harkins Transportation Company — was founded in 1914 by L.P. Hosford, Henry L. Pittock, and A.J. Lewthwaite. The line was named after the tugboat Jessie Harkins , which had been built by Jacob Kamm and named after Hosford s niece. The line ran steamboats on the lower Columbia… … Wikipedia
Harkins Theatres — Infobox Company company name = Harkins Theatres Entertainment, Ltd. company company type = Private foundation = 1933 founder = Dwight Red Harkins location = Scottsdale, AZ key people = Daniel Harkins, Owner and CEO Mike Bowers, President area… … Wikipedia
Harkins-Regel — Har|kins Re|gel [ hɑ:kɪnz ; nach dem amer. Chemiker W. D. Harkins (1873–1951)]: In der Natur treten Elemente mit gerader ↑ Protonenzahl häufiger auf als solche mit ungerader. * * * Harkins Regel [ hɑːkɪnz ], die von dem amerikanischen Chemiker… … Universal-Lexikon
Harkins, William Draper — ▪ American chemist born Dec. 28, 1873, Titusville, Pa., U.S. died March 7, 1951, Chicago American chemist whose investigations of nuclear chemistry, particularly the structure of the nucleus, first revealed the basic process of nuclear… … Universalium
Harkins'sche Regel — Chemisches Element ist die Sammelbezeichnung für alle Atomarten mit derselben Anzahl an Protonen im Atomkern. Somit haben alle Atome eines chemischen Elements dieselbe Kernladungszahl (auch Ordnungszahl). Die Elemente werden im Periodensystem der … Deutsch Wikipedia
Harkins — /hahr kinz/, n. William Draper, 1873 1951, U.S. chemist. * * * … Universalium
Harkins — /hahr kinz/, n. William Draper, 1873 1951, U.S. chemist … Useful english dictionary
Paul D. Harkins — Infobox Military Person name= Paul D. Harkins caption= born= birth date|1904|5|15 died= death date and age|1984|8|21|1904|5|15 placeofbirth= Boston, Massachusetts placeofdeath= Dallas, Texas nickname= Ramrod Harkins allegiance= United States of… … Wikipedia
Paul Harkins — Paul Donal Harkins (15 mai 1904 – 21 août 1984) a été sous chef d État Major pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale sous les ordres de George S. Patton Jr. et devint plus tard un général de l US Army et le premier Assistant du Commandement Militaire … Wikipédia en Français