
This interesting name has three possible derivations. The first from the Olde Norse Viking pre 7th Century personal name "Gunnr", meaning battle. Secondly, a metonymic occupational name for someone who operated a Seige Cannon, from the Medieval word "gunne" meaning a cannon. This could also have been used as a nickname for a person with a forceful temperament. The name is widespread in Scotland, especially in Caithness, where it is of Norse origin, Gunn was a Caithness, chief of the 12th Century. His name Gunnis an old West Scandinavian personal name. The Gaelic form is "Mac Gille Dhuinn" and means "son of the servant of the brown one". Two early marriages in London are between Richard Gunn and Joane Benson on 22nd October 1627 at St. Margaret's, Westminster, and Alexander Gunnt and Margery Hooper on 26th January 1665 at St. Mary Magdale, Old Fish Street. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of William Gun, which was dated 1218, in the "Assize Rolls Lancashire", during the reign of King John, known as "Lackland", 1199 - 1216. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • Gunn — may mean: In general : * Gunn High School, high school in Palo Alto, California * Gunnr, one of the valkyries in Norse mythology * Gunn diode, diode used in high frequency electronics * Clan Gunn, Highland Scots clan of Norse origin * Floyd M.… …   Wikipedia

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  • GUNN (T.) — GUNN THOMSON WILLIAM dit THOM (1929 ) Né le 29 août à Gravesend dans le Kent, poète pour le grand public du cuir, des motos et du geste viril, Thom Gunn a choisi l’exil aux États Unis alors que l’Angleterre se repliait sur elle même. Au moment où …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Gunn — f Scandinavian: short form of the various women s names of Old Norse origin containing the first element gunnr strife, such as GUNNBORG (SEE Gunnborg), GUNNHILD (SEE Gunnhild), and GUNNVOR (SEE Gunnvor). Variant: Gun …   First names dictionary

  • Gunn —   [gʌn], Thomson William, englischer Schriftsteller, * Gravesend 29. 8. 1929; ließ sich 1960 in San Francisco (Calif.) nieder. Seine Lyrik (u. a. »The sense of movement«, 1957) stellt, oft in aggressiver Sprache, moderne Existenzprobleme und… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Gunn — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Gunn peut faire référence à : Personnalités John Battiscombe Gunn (né en 1928), physicien britannique ; James Gunn  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Gunn — /gʌn/ (say gun) noun 1. Mrs Aeneas (Jeannie Gunn, born Jeannie Taylor), 1870–1961, Australian novelist; author of We of the Never Never (1908). 2. John, 1884–1959, Australian state Labor politician; premier of SA 1924–26. 3. Ronald Campbell,… …  

  • Gunn — La película es un remake de la serie Peter Gunn de la NBC, emitida entre septiembre de 1958 y junio de 1962 (3 temporadas, 114 capítulos). Edwars había trabajado para la serie: dirigió 10 episodios, escribió el argumento de 21 episodios, el guión …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Gunn — Gunda, Gunde, Gun, Gunn nordische Kurzform von Namen mit »Gund« bzw. der Endung »gund« (Bedeutung: Kampf). Gunde ist in Skandinavien auch ein Jungenname …   Deutsch namen

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