Katalanische Sprache und Literatur — Katalanische Sprache und Literatur. Die katalanische Sprache, die heute als Volksmundart in Katalonien und (in Abarten) in Valencia, auf den Balearischen Inseln, in einigen Gemeinden des französischen Departements Ostpyrenäen, in Alghero auf… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Rubió i Ors, Joaquim — ► (1818 99) Poeta e historiador español. Uno de los más eficaces propulsores de la Renaixença, esp. a partir de la publicación en 1839 del poema Lo gayter del Llobregat (El gaitero del Llobregat) … Enciclopedia Universal
Gaiter — Recorded in various spellings as shown below this is an English surname, but one ultimately of Norse Viking 8th century origins. It derives from the word geit meaning a goat, through the later medieval English gayte . It described a goatherd as… … Surnames reference
Gaither — A Norse Viking 8th century derivative surname meaning a goat herd or goat keeper . The origination is from geit through the English medieval gayte to Gaythirde, John Le Gaythirde, being recorded in Yorkshire in 1301 and Robert Gayterd in 1466.… … Surnames reference
Gayther — A Norse Viking 8th century derivative surname meaning a goat herd or goat keeper . The origination is from geit through the English medieval gayte to Gaythirde, John Le Gaythirde, being recorded in Yorkshire in 1301 and Robert Gayterd in 1466.… … Surnames reference
Gaythor — A Norse Viking 8th century derivative surname meaning a goat herd or goat keeper . The origination is from geit through the English medieval gayte to Gaythirde, John Le Gaythirde, being recorded in Yorkshire in 1301 and Robert Gayterd in 1466.… … Surnames reference
Geator — A Norse Viking 8th century derivative surname meaning a goat herd or goat keeper . The origination is from geit through the English medieval gayte to Gaythirde, John Le Gaythirde, being recorded in Yorkshire in 1301 and Robert Gayterd in 1466.… … Surnames reference
Gater — This interesting surname of medieval English origins. It is recorded in a wide range of spellings including Gater, Geater, Geter, Gayter, Gaitor, Gayther, Geator, and even Jator, with no doubt other versions as well. It has several possible… … Surnames reference
Gaytor — This is an English surname but arguably of Norse Viking origins. It derives from the 8th century words geit heirde and as such was an occupational surname for a goat herd or goat keeper. The development is from geit through the later English… … Surnames reference
Geater — This interesting surname of early English origins, with the various spellings of Gater, Goater, Geater, Gayter, Gaitor, Gayther, Geator, and no doubt others as well, and has several possible origins. It may be tographical or locational, and as… … Surnames reference