- Fourcade
- Recorded as de Forcade, Forcade, de Fourcade, Fourcade, Lafourcade, and even Hourcade, this is a French surname, but one which has been recorded in England since at least the early 18th century. It is either locational or residential and originally desscribed a perwson who lived at a house by the fork of a road or perhaps river, or it maybe job descriptive for a maker of iron forks. The origination is from the ancient word "fopurche". The surname is also associated with the post medieval protestant Huguenot movement, and it is almost certain that the first name holders as recorded in England were of that religious persuasion. They were Ann Forcade who married Thomas Turmeau at the church known as St Benets, Pauls Wharf, in the city of London, on July 2nd 1726, and later on July 27th 1868, we have the recording of Richard Forcade, at the church of St Mary-le-Bone, Marlebone, also city of London. In France not surprisingly perhaps, the recordings are earlier. The first example that we have is that of Jean de Forcade, the son of Charles de Forcade, who was christened at Tarbes, in the departmenent of Hautes-Pyrenees, on November 24th 1664.
Surnames reference. 2013.