
Recorded in the spellings of Foot and Foote, this is a famous surname, formerly recorded throughout England, but probably most associated in the 19th and 20th centuries with the West Country of England. It is believed to have pre 7th century Norse-Viking origins, to derive from the word "fotr", and to have been descriptive and possibly occupational for a fast runner or a messenger, one "fleet of foot". In the later medieval period, known for its "robust humour", the name may also have been at times a cruel nickname for a person with a deformed foot, but this was certainly not the original meaning. Indeed had the "nickname" been the general meaning, it is difficult to see how it could have survived as a surname. What is clear is that the recordings of the name go as far back as written history permits, with examples such as Robert Fot in the Pipe Rolls of the county of Yorkshire in the year 11666, and Seild Fot in the Curia Regis rolls of Hampshire in 1212. The earliest known recording, and one which pre-dates most other surname recordings by at least two centuries, is that of Goduin Fot, in the 1086 Domesday Book for Kent and Cheshire. This man was a close follower of King William 1st, known as "The Conqueror", 1066 - 1087.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • Foote — may refer to: *Adam Foote Canadian ice hockey player *Andrew Hull Foote admiral in the United States Navy *Arthur Foote American composer *Arthur De Wint Foote American engineer *Buddy Foote American blogger *David Foote Pro soccer player late 80 …   Wikipedia

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  • Foote — (spr. Fuht), Samuel, geb. 1719 zu Truro in Cornwallis; studirte Anfangs Theologie, dann die Rechte, gerieth aber durch seine ausschweifende Lebensart in Dürftigkeit u. wurde 1744 Schauspieler u. Schauspieldichter. Er verlor 1746 durch einen Sturz …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Foote — (spr. fut), Samuel, engl. Schauspieler und Lustspieldichter, geb. 27. Jan. 1720 zu Truro in Cornwall, gest. 21. Okt. 1777 in Dover, studierte zu Oxford und London, ging aber, nachdem er sein Vermögen vergeudet, zum Theater über und betrat 1744… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Foote — (Fuht), Samuel, geb. 1719 zu Truro, treffl. engl. komischer Schauspieler und Lustspieldichter von unerschöpflichem Witze, viel angefeindet wegen der beißenden Laune, welche er gegen bekannte Personen im Leben und auf der Bühne spielen ließ,… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Foote —   [fʊt], Samuel, englischer Dramatiker und Schauspieler, getauft Truro 27. 1. 1720, ✝ Dover 21. 10. 1777; schilderte in seinen Dramen als guter Beobachter die Unsitten der Londoner Gesellschaft und karikierte seine Zeitgenossen; als Schauspieler… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • foote — foote·ite; …   English syllables

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  • Foote & Davies Company — was the most important book printer in early Atlanta.Founded in 1887, their first office and plant was 65 Alabama St just west of the depot (at Underground Atlanta, it would be just west of the Johnny Rockets). But by 1910 they had moved to a… …   Wikipedia

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