
This interesting name is of Anglo-Saxon origin, and can be either a topographical or an occupational surname deriving from the Old English pre 7th Century 'falod', 'fald', meaning 'fold', an enclosure or pen for sheep or cattle, in Middle English 'fold'. If a topographical surname, the name denotes residence near an enclosure or fold, for animals, and if an occupational surname, the meaning is 'worker at the fold(s) or cattle - pen(s)'. The surname development has introduced Adam le Fold (1327, Derbyshire), John atte Fold (1327, Somerset), Adam de Falde (1332, Staffordshire) and James Foulds (1584, Cheshire). The modern surname can be found as 'Fold', 'Foldes', 'Folds', 'Fould', 'Fouldes', 'Foulds', 'Fowlds' and 'Faulds'. The plural forms are genitive, meaning 'of the folds', and the surname in any form is usually found in the northern counties. On January 11th 1813, the marriage of Andrew Faulds and Elizabeth Jackson, took place at Barnsley, Yorkshire. William, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Faulds was christened on August 15th 1815, at Worsborough, Yorkshire. Robert and Ellen, twins of Thomas and Esther Faulds were christened at Christchurch, Southwark, London, on January 16th 1876. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Hugh del Foldis, which was dated 1275, in the Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, Yorkshire, during the reign of King Edward 1, known as the Hammer of the Scots, 1272 - 1307. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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