
Recorded in a wide variety of spellings including: Flander, Flanders, Flaunders, Flenders, Flinders and Flounders, this is an English surname, but of medieval continental origins. It originates from the former state and province of Flanders now part of Belgium and France, and as such describes a person who left Flanders and came to Britain. In medieval times it was, and it often remains, that one of the easiest ways to identify a stranger was to call him, or sometimes her, by the name of the place from whence they came. Spelling being at best rudimentary, and local dialects very thick, soon lead to the development of 'sounds like' spellings. Flanders in the Middle Ages was famous for its textile manufacturing, and considerable trade in cloth existed between the countries at that time, so much so that various English monarchs literally bribed the Flemish textile manufacturers to set up in England. The surname which was originally confined to coastal areas and particularly East Anglia and the West Country, is now widespread with early examples being found in the surviving records such as: Euredai de Flandria in the Danelaw Charters for the county of Lincolnshire in the year 1191, and Thomas Flaundres in the Subsidy Rolls of Somerset in the year 1327. The English naval captain Matthew Flinders (1774 - 1814) discovered and mapped a major part of the Australian coastline in 1795, the Flinders River being named after him.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • Flinders — Flin ders, n. pl. [Scot. flenders, flendris; perh. akin to E. flutter; cf. D. flenters rags, broken pieces.] Small pieces or splinters; fragments. [1913 Webster] The tough ash spear, so stout and true, Into a thousand flinders flew. Sir W. Scott …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flinders — [flin′dərz] pl.n. [ME (northern) flender < Scand, as in Norw flindra, splinter < IE base (s)plei , to split > SPLIT, SPLINT, FLINT] splinters or fragments: chiefly in break (or fly) into flinders …   English World dictionary

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  • Flinders — Flinders, Fluß in der austral. Kolonie Queensland, mündet in den innersten Winkel des Carpentariagolfs …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Flinders [2] — Flinders, Matthew, Reisender, geb. 16. März 1774 zu Donington (Lincolnshire), erforschte 1795, 1798 und 1801 die Südküste, 1802 die Ostküste Australiens, gest. 19. Juli 1814 in London; schrieb: »Voyage to the Terra Australia« (2 Bde., 1814). –… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Flinders — Flinders, engl. Seeoffizier, verdient durch Entdeckungsreisen an den Küsten von Neuholland und Vandiemensland (1795 u. 1801), gest. 1814; nach ihm heißt F.land ein öder neuholl. Küstenstrich zwischen Nuyts u. Freycinetland …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Flinders —   [ flɪndəz], Matthew, britischer Entdeckungsreisender, * Donington (Lincolnshire) 16. 3. 1774, ✝ London 19. 7. 1814; erkundete 1795 1803 die Küsten Australiens und nahm sie kartographisch auf. Für den bis dahin Neuholland genannten Kontinent… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • flinders — mid 15c., Scottish flendris, probably related to Norw. flindra chip, splinter, or Du. flenter fragment; ultimately from the same PIE root that produced FLINT (Cf. flint) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Flinders — Matthew Flinders Matthew Flinders (* 16. März 1774 bei Donington, Lincolnshire, England; † 19. Juli 1814 in London, England) war ein britischer Forschungsreisender …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Flinders — There are many places with the word Flinders in their name. Most of these are in south east Australia and are named for explorer Matthew Flinders.* Flinders, Victoria, suburb of Melbourne, Victoria * Flinders, New South Wales, suburb of… …   Wikipedia

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