
This interesting surname, now chiefly recorded in the Bristol area of Gloucestershire, has two distinct possible sources, each with its own history and derivation. Firstly, Febry may be of Old French origin, and an occupational name for an iron-worker or smith, deriving from the Old French "fever(e)" (Latin "faber", craftsman). Initially introduced into Britain by the Normans after the Conquest of 1066, the name takes the forms "le Fevere" and "le Fever" in early documents, one Roger le Fevere being noted in the 1243 Assize Rolls of Somerset. Several variations on this surname including: Fabri, Fabbri and Fabry, derived from the Latin "faber", appear in French Church Registers, one Lauren Fabry being christened at Bremoncourt, Meurth-et-Moselle, on April 3rd 1622. This form was subsequently brought to Britain by Huguenot refugees fleeing religious persecutions in their own country as is evidenced by the following recording: Charles Fabry, christened at Savoye de Spring Gardens French Huguenot Church, London, on January 26th 1746. The second possibility is that Febry is a late variant of the medieval English nickname/surname Feverel, from a Middle English form of the name of the month of February (Latin "februarius", perhaps a derivative of "febris", fever), given to someone, born or found in this month. On June 18th 1749, Mary, daughter of William and Ann Febry, was christened at Snowshill, Gloucestershire. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Roger Feuerelle, which was dated 1153, in the "Knights Templars' Records of Hertfordshire", during the reign of King Stephen, known as "Count of Blois", 1135 - 1154. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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