Edgehill — may refer to several places:Near Liverpool a tunnel had to bored through almost a mile and a quarter of solid rockThe entrance to 2250 yard tunnel into Liverpool at Edgehill.*The Battle of Edgehill, a battle in the English Civil War (named after… … Wikipedia
Edgehill — ist der Name mehrerer Orte in den Vereinigten Staaten: Edgehill (Georgia) Edgehill (Missouri) Edgehill (Virginia) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe … Deutsch Wikipedia
Edgehill — (spr. Edschhill), Gebirg an den Grenzen der Grafschaften Oxford u. Warkwick; am E., im Thal des Rothen Pferdes, den 23. Oct. 1642 Sieg der Parlamentstruppen unter Graf Essex über die Truppen König Karls I. unter dem Lord Lindsay … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Edgehill — (spr. éddsch hill), Bergrücken in der engl. Grafschaft Warwickshire, wo 23. Okt. 1642 die erste Schlacht in dem Kriege zwischen den Parlamentstruppen und König Karl I. von England gefochten wurde … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Edgehill Manor Guest House — (Гамильтон,Бермудские острова) Категория отеля: Адрес: 36 Rosemont Ave … Каталог отелей
Edgehill Church at Spuyten Duyvil — is a United Church of Christ parish church in The Bronx, New York. Its congregration was originally founded in 1869 as the mission chapel affiliated with the Riverdale Presbyterian Church, serving the workers at the nearby Johnson Iron Foundry.… … Wikipedia
Edgehill, Virginia — Edgehill is an unincorporated community in King George County, Virginia, United States.References* [http://geonames.usgs.gov/pls/gnispublic/f?p=gnispq:3:::NO::P3 FID:1495500 GNIS reference] … Wikipedia
Edgehill College — Infobox UK school name = Edgehill College size = latitude = longitude = dms = dms motto = motto pl = established = 1884 approx = closed = c approx = type = religion = Methodist president = head label = Headteacher head = Stuart Nicholson r head… … Wikipedia
Edgehill, Battle of — ▪ English history (Oct. 23, 1642), first battle of the English Civil Wars, in which forces loyal to the English Parliament, commanded by Robert Devereux, 3rd earl of Essex (Essex, Robert Devereux, 3rd earl of, Viscount Hereford Lord Ferrers … Universalium
Edgehill — the first important battle of the English Civil War, fought in Warwickshire in 1642. Neither side really won. * * * … Universalium