- Curragh
- This is a famous Irish surrname which has been recorded for many centuries. Surprisingly the actual meaning is a mystery, or perhaps it would be better to say that there are a number of eminent researchers who have tried to resolve the problem, but have ended up disagreeing with each other! The famous etymologist and genealogist the late Edward MacLysaght, generally accepted as having been Irelands most foremost historian regarding the development of surnames, suggests that it may be locational from the various places called 'Curragh', or it may be from an ancient pre 10th century personal name 'Currach' meaning 'hero'. As very few Irish Gaelic names are locational, and most relate to the nickname for the first chief of the sept, a meaning of 'hero' seems quite appropriate for a chief. Without clear records it is not possible to say, and unfortunately clear records are something that Ireland does not possess. In 1922, during the Civil War, the IRA destroyed the Public Records Office, and in so doing they destroyed the history of the country dating back to the 9th century a.d. or even earlier. it is therefore difficult and often impossible to trace many name back before about 1865. In this case though we have a number of recordings from ancillary records including that of Thomas Curragh, given as being a farmer of Kilpatrick in 1428, whilst Richard Currgah was a member of the Merchant Tailors Guild, and a freeman of Dublin, in 1589.
Surnames reference. 2013.