
This is a genuine French Huguenot refugee surname, although its origins go back into French history. It derives from the pre 12th Old French 'Cornier' a word which describes a trumpeter or herald, and a position of considerable importance. The equivalent English surname is Corner, which dates back to the Norman invasion of 1066. Cornu, also recorded as Cornau, Cornuau, and Cornier, is much later, and was introduced into England in the time of the persecution of the Protestants by the Catholics from the early 16th century. In this case the first proven recording in the original spelling as shown below is slightly later. The coat of arms is almost unique, and probably the second most distinguished in history. It is no less than the blue cross on a white field, and as such is second only to the red cross of the crusaders, on the same background. It was granted in Picardy, the date being approximately 1390 a.d., at the time of the great wars between France and England. The recordings of the surname in England include Garman de Cornu, who married Mary Carles at the famous church of St Botolphs Bishopgate, London on May 14th 1676, whilst on Christmas Day 1753, Francois Cornuau, the daughter of Pierre and Marie (nee Ruaut), was christened at the French Huguenot Church known as 'La Patente', in Leicester Square, London. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Pierre Cornu, which was dated May 4th 1606, a witness at Threadneedle Street Huguenot Church, London, during the reign of King James 1 of England and V1 of Scotland, 1603 - 1625. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • cornu — cornu, ue [ kɔrny ] adj. • XIIe; lat. cornutus 1 ♦ Qui a des cornes. Bête cornue. Diable cornu. 2 ♦ Vx Raisons, idées cornues. ⇒ biscornu. 3 ♦ Qui a la forme d une corne, présente des saillies en forme de corne. Blé cornu, dont les épis… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Cornu — (pl. cornua) is a Latin word for horn. Cornu may also refer to: Cornu (horn), an ancient musical instrument People: Dominique Cornu, a Belgian road and track cyclist, born 1985. Marie Alfred Cornu, a physicist for whom the Cornu spiral is named… …   Wikipedia

  • CORNU — proprie de quadrupedibus. Plin. l. 11. c. 37. Cornua multis quidem et aquatilium et marinorum et serpentum variis data sunt modis: sed quae iure cornua intelligantur, quadrupedum generi tantum Nec alibi maior naturae lascivia lusit animalium… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • cornu — cornu, ue (kor nu, nue) adj. 1°   Qui a des cornes. Les diables cornus. Front cornu. •   Un animal cornu blessa de quelque coups Le lion, qui, plein de courroux...., LA FONT. Fabl. V, 4. 2°   Qui a des coins ou angles saillants. Un pain cornu.… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • cornu — Cornu, [corn]ue. adj. Qui a des cornes. Beste cornuë. Satyre cornu. Il se dit aussi fig. de certaines choses qui ont plusieurs angles & pointes. Cette piece de terre est cornuë. On dit prov. & fig. A mal enfourner on fait les pains cornus, pour… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • cornu — CORNU, UE. adj. Qui a des cornes. Bête cornue. Satyre cornu. [b]f♛/b] Il se dit aussi figurément De certai nes choses qui ont plusieurs angles, plusieurs pointes. Cette pièce de terre est cornue. Un pain cornu. [b]f♛/b] On dit proverbialement et… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • Cornu — (lat.), 1) Horn; 2) (röm. Ant.), gekrümmtes, metallenes Blasinstrument, bes. im Kriege; der Bläser des C. hieß Cornĭcen; 3) hornartige Extremität, so die Spitze der Segelstange, der Knopf von Bücherrollen (s. u. Bücher) etc., auch 4) Flügel der… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Cornu — Cor nu (k[^o]r n[ u]), n.; pl. {Cornua} ( n[ u]*[.a]). [L.] A horn, or anything shaped like or resembling a horn. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cornu — (lat.), Horn; C. cervi, Hirschhorn; C. copĭae, Füllhorn (s.d. und Amaltheia) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Cornu — Cornu, Cornut Un nom que certains ont du mal à porter, puisqu il évoque immanquablement celui qui porte des cornes. M.T Morlet émet cependant une réserve, en précisant que le sens de mari trompé est tardif (fin du Moyen Âge), mais elle propose… …   Noms de famille

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