- Conkey
- Recorded in several forms including Conkay, Conkie, Conkey and Conaghy, his most interesting surname is of Scottish origin. It is a shortened form of the surname "MacConachie", itself from the Gaelic Mac Dhonnchaidh. This means the son of Duncan. Clan Donnachie better known as Clan Robertson of Atholl, derive their name from "Fat Duncan", Donncha Reamhar de Atholia, who lived in the time of Robert the Bruce (1306-1329). In addition to these, there are three Argyllshire families that were known as MacDhonnachie. MacConachie and MacConkey are also recorded in Northern Ireland. Angus M'Conchie witnessed a sasine of Cragniche to Archibald, earl of Argyll in 1493, and Huchon McConzochquhy was part tenant of Kynnarde Ross in 1505. There was an old family of MacConochies in Bute and of 75 people holding lands there in 1506, six were of this name. Wona Conaghy married Shane Ruddan on December 15th 1659 at Templemore, Londonderry, whilst Margaret, the daughter of John Conkey was christened on September 23rd 1685 at Clones, Monaghan. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Gilbert Maccoignache. This was dated 1296, in the calendar of documents relating to Scotland, during the reign of John Balliol, 1292 - 1296. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was sometimes known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.
Surnames reference. 2013.