
Recorded in over seventy spellings forms ranging from Castle (English), Castel and Chateau (France), Castello, Castelli and Casselli (Italy), and many others, this interesting surname is of Roman (Latin) origins. It is derived from the word 'casa' meaning a castle or fortified buildings, and especially the residence of a feudal lord. It is said that the name could also have denoted one who lived and worked at such a place, including a guard or watch keeper. This type of residential or topographical surname was amongst the earliest created, since both natural and man-made features in the landscape provided easily recognisable distinguishing names. The first recorded spelling of the surname anywhere in the world is probably that of Richard Castel, in the year 1148. He was a benefactor of the abbey of Bec, in the county of Sussex, England. Other recordings taken from surviving registers and charters in different parts of Europe include: Henry de Castell of the county of Cambridgeshire, England, in 1260, Henrich Kastel of Greifswald, Germany, in 1304, Hartmuodus Kastelain of Frankfurt, Germany in 1318, and Fileppo di Castellini of Rome, in 1421. An interesting recording is that of Richard Castle, who died in 1751. He was an architect who was born in Germany of German parents, and who moved to Ireland in 1720. Here he designed many of the fine Georgian buildings in both Dublin and Belfast.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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