make tense
1tense — {{11}}tense (adj.) stretched tight, 1660s, from L. tensus, pp. of tendere to stretch (see TENET (Cf. tenet)). Sense of in a state of nervous tension is first recorded 1821. {{12}}tense (n.) form of a verb showing time of an action or state, early …
2tense — I. noun Etymology: Middle English tens time, tense, from Anglo French, from Latin tempus Date: 14th century 1. a distinction of form in a verb to express distinctions of time or duration of the action or state it denotes 2. a. a set of… …
3tense — Tight, rigid, or strained; characterized by anxiety and psychological strain. [L. tensus, pp. of tendo, to stretch] * * * tense ten(t)s adj, tens·er; tens·est 1) stretched tight: made taut or rigid <the skeletal musculature involuntarily… …
4tense — I. /tɛns / (say tens) adjective (tenser, tensest) 1. stretched tight, as a cord, fibre, etc.; drawn taut; rigid. 2. in a state of mental or nervous strain, as a person. 3. characterised by a strain upon the nerves or feelings: a tense moment. 4.… …
5make after — To follow or pursue • • • Main Entry: ↑make * * * ˌmake ˈafter [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they make after he/she/it makes after …
6make into — ˈmake ˌinto [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they make into he/she/it makes into present participle making into past tense …
7make towards — ˈmake to ˌwards [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they make towards he/she/it makes towards present participle making towards past tense made towards …
8tense — Ⅰ. tense [1] ► ADJECTIVE 1) stretched tight or rigid. 2) feeling, causing, or showing anxiety and nervousness. ► VERB ▪ make or become tense. DERIVATIVES tensely adverb tenseness noun …
9tense — tense1 [tens] adj. tenser, tensest [L tensus, pp. of tendere, to stretch < IE * tend < base * ten , to stretch > THIN] 1. stretched tight; strained; taut 2. feeling, showing, or causing mental strain; anxious 3. Phonet. articulated with… …
10make — 1 verb past tense and past participle made, PRODUCE STH 1 (T) to produce something by working: I m going to make a cake for Sam s birthday. | Did you make that dress yourself? | a car made in Japan | They re making a documentary about the Civil… …