lumbar region

  • 121Myelogram — An x ray of the spinal cord and the bones of the spine. During a myelogram, a contrast material that is injected into the spinal canal is used to visualize the structures of the spinal cord and nerve roots. * * * Radiographic contrast study of… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 122appendicitis — Inflammation of the vermiform appendix. [appendix + G. itis, inflammation] actinomycotic a. chronic suppurative a. due to infection by Actinomyces israelii. acute a. acute …

    Medical dictionary

  • 123sacrospinalis — sa·cro·spi·na·lis .sā krō spī nā ləs, .sak rō spī nal əs n a muscle that extends the length of the back and neck, that arises from the iliac crest, the sacrum, and the lumbar and two lower thoracic vertebrae, and that splits in the upper lumbar… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 124lumb(o)- — [L. lumbus loin] a combining form denoting relationship to the lumbar region or the lumbar vertebrae …

    Medical dictionary

  • 125pars lumbalis musculi longissimus thoracis — [TA] lumbar part of longissimus thoracis: the portion of the longissimus thoracis occurring specifically in the lumbar region; see musculus longissimus thoracis. Called also divisio medialis musculi erectoris spinae lumborum [TA alternative] …

    Medical dictionary

  • 126lumbago — [lum bā′gō] n. [L < lumbus, loin: see LUMBAR] rheumatic pain in the lumbar region; backache, esp. in the lower part of the back …

    English World dictionary

  • 127lum|bar — «LUHM buhr», adjective, noun. –adj. of the loin or loins: »the lumbar region. –n. a lumbar vertebra, artery, nerve, or the like. ╂[< New Latin lumbaris < Latin lumbus loin] …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 128lum·bar — /ˈlʌmbɚ/ adj, always used before a noun medical : relating to or lying near the lower back This seat provides good lumbar support. the lumbar region …

    Useful english dictionary