lash into fury
1lash — v. 1) (d; intr.) to lash against (the rain lashed against the roof) 2) (d; intr.) to lash at, into (the speakers lashed into the government) 3) (d; tr.) to lash into (to lash a crowd into a fury) * * * [læʃ] into (the speakers lashed into the… …
2lash — 1 verb 1 TIE (transitive always + adv/prep) to tie something tightly to something else with a rope, or tie two things together: lash sth to/onto etc: The oars were lashed to the sides of the boat. 2 WIND/RAIN ETC (intransitive always + adv/prep,… …
3lash — I. verb Etymology: Middle English Date: 14th century intransitive verb 1. to move violently or suddenly ; dash 2. to thrash or beat violently < rain lashed at the windowpanes > 3. to make a verbal attack or retort usually used with …
4Resentment — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Resentment >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 resentment resentment displeasure animosity anger wrath indignation Sgm: N 1 exasperation exasperation bitter resentment wrathful indignation GRP: N 2 Sgm: N …
5Excitation — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Excitation >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 excitation of feeling excitation of feeling Sgm: N 1 mental excitement mental excitement Sgm: N 1 suscitation suscitation galvanism stimulation piquancy provocation inspiration… …
6Violence — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Violence >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 violence violence inclemency vehemence might impetuosity Sgm: N 1 boisterousness boisterousness &c. >Adj. Sgm: N 1 effervescence effervescence ebullition Sgm …
7frenzy — Synonyms and related words: Jacksonian epilepsy, Rolandic epilepsy, abandon, abdominal epilepsy, access, acquired epilepsy, activated epilepsy, affect epilepsy, agitation, akinetic epilepsy, amok, annoy, apoplexy, arouse, arrest, attack,… …
8enrage — Synonyms and related words: anger, annoy, arouse, awake, awaken, blow the coals, blow up, call forth, call up, enkindle, excite, fan, fan the fire, fan the flame, feed the fire, fire, flame, foment, frenzy, heat, impassion, incense, incite,… …
9infuriate — Synonyms and related words: aggravate, agitate, alienate, anger, annoy, antagonize, arouse, awake, awaken, blow the coals, blow up, bother, bug, burn up, call forth, call up, chafe, embitter, enkindle, enrage, envenom, estrange, exacerbate,… …
10madden — Synonyms and related words: aggravate, alienate, anger, annoy, antagonize, arouse, awake, awaken, badger, bait, bedevil, blow the coals, blow up, bug, call forth, call up, craze, dement, derange, distract, drive insane, drive mad, embitter,… …