1Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead. What Every Business Can Learn from the Most Iconic Band in History , Brian Halligan
The Grateful Dead-rock legends, marketing pioneers The Grateful Dead broke almost every rule in the music industry book. They encouraged their fans to record shows and trade tapes; they built a… 1430.29 руб электронная книга2The Raven , Эдгар Аллан По
Edgar Poe knew a thing about loss and was just forty years old when he passed away. But his legacy will never ever fade away.“The Raven” by Edgar Poe is the example of “fugitive poetry” where… 59 руб аудиокнига можно скачать3The Host , Stephenie Meyer (2013)
Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away. The earth has been invaded by a species that takes over the minds of their human hosts, and most of humanity has succumbed. Wanderer, the invading "soul" who has… 819 руб4The Rich Boy , F. Scott Fitzgerald (2015)
Undisputed king of jazz-age writing, F. Scott Fitzgerald perfectly encapsulated all the glamour and despair of 1920s'society. These three short stories are supreme examples of his craft. With wealth… 1018 руб5The Host , Стефани Майер (2013)
От издателя:The international bestseller by Stephenie Meyer now a major motion picture. Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away. The earth has been invaded by a species that takes over the… 309 грн (только Украина)6The Host , Стефани Майер (2009)
От издателя:Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away. The earth has been invaded by a species that takes over the minds of their human hosts, and most of humanity has succumbed. Wanderer, the… 292 грн (только Украина)7The Rich Boy , F. Scott Fitzgerald (2015)
Undisputed king of jazz-age writing, F. Scott Fitzgerald perfectly encapsulated all the glamour and despair of 1920s`society. These three short stories are supreme examples of his craft. With wealth… 1317 грн (только Украина)8Sophia, der Tod und ich , Uhlmann Thees (2017)
Wie kaputt muss man sein, um bei jemandem an der T&# 252;r zu klingeln und zu behaupten, man sei der Tod? Was wie ein schlechter Scherz beginnt, ist der Auf-takt zu einem hinrei&# 223;enden, nicht… 1082 руб9Sophia, der Tod und ich , Uhlmann Thees (2017)
Wie kaputt muss man sein, um bei jemandem an der T&252;r zu klingeln und zu behaupten, man sei der Tod? Was wie ein schlechter Scherz beginnt, ist der Auf-takt zu einem hinrei&223;enden, nicht enden… 1400 грн (только Украина)10The Evil Guest , Le Fanu Joseph Sheridan (2018)
Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu (1814 -1873) was an Irish writer of Gothic novels, one of the most influential ghost story writers of the nineteenth century. Filled with mystery, "The Evil Guest" is a… 405 руб