be composed

  • 81fibrillated — Composed of fibrils. SYN: fibrillate (2). * * * fi·bril·lat·ed (fĭґbrĭ lāt″əd) made up of fibrils …

    Medical dictionary

  • 82fibrinocellular — Composed of fibrin and cells, as in certain types of exudates resulting from acute inflammation. * * * fi·bri·no·cel·lu·lar (fi″brĭ no selґu lər) made up of fibrin and cells …

    Medical dictionary

  • 83magnocellular — Composed of cells of large size. [L. magnus, large, + cellular] * * * mag·no·cel·lu·lar .mag nō sel yə lər adj being or containing neurons with large cell bodies <motion and depth perception processed by the magnocellular visual pathway>… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 84monostratal — Composed of a single layer. [mono + L. stratum, layer] * * * mono·stra·tal .män ō strāt əl adj arranged in a single stratum * * * mono·stra·tal (mon″o straґtəl) pertaining to a single layer or stratum …

    Medical dictionary

  • 85polycystic — Composed of many cysts. * * * poly·cys·tic sis tik adj having or involving more than one cyst <polycystic kidneys> <polycystic disease> * * * poly·cys·tic (pol″e sisґtik) [poly + cystic] containing or made up of many cysts;… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 86semicartilaginous — Composed partly of cartilage. * * * semi·car·ti·lag·i·nous .kärt əl aj ə nəs adj consisting partly of cartilaginous tissue * * * semi·car·ti·lag·i·nous (sem″e kahr″tĭ lajґĭ nəs) partially cartilaginous …

    Medical dictionary

  • 87semitendinous — Composed in part of tendon; denoting the semitendinosus muscle. SYN: semitendinosus. [L. semitendinosus] * * * semi·ten·di·nous (sem″e tenґdĭ nəs) in part having a tendinous structure …

    Medical dictionary

  • 88seropurulent — Composed of or containing both serum and pus; denoting a discharge of thin watery pus (seropus). * * * se·ro·pu·ru·lent .sir ō pyu̇r (y)ə lənt, .ser adj consisting of a mixture of serum and pus <a seropurulent exudate> * * *… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 89unicellular — Composed of but one cell, as in the protozoons; for such u. organisms capable of undertaking life processes independently of other cells, the term acellular is also used. * * * uni·cel·lu·lar .yü ni sel yə lər adj having or consisting of a single …

    Medical dictionary

  • 90uniramous — Composed of a single branch. When used in reference to an appendage, it usually implies the loss of the exopod, as in a walking leg [Warner, 1977]. Having a single branch (the endopodite) or ramus [Holdich and Jones, 1983]. With only a single… …

    Crustacea glossary