be composed

  • 61through-composed — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: translation of German durchkomponiert : having an individual musical setting for each stanza or strophe used of a song or aria; compare strophic …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 62well-composed — adj …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 63fibroserous — Composed of fibrous tissue with a serous surface; denoting any serous membrane. * * * fi·bro·se·rous .fī brō sir əs adj composed of a serous membrane supported by a firm layer of fibrous tissue <the pericardium is a fibroserous sac> * * *… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 64Messe de Nostre Dame —    Composed by Guillaume de Machaut, this is the first surviving polyphonic mass cycle, that is, a polyphonic setting of the mass ordinaries apparently conceived as a uni fied musical structure and intended to be sung as one liturgy. It was… …

    Historical dictionary of sacred music

  • 65Composedly — Composed Com*posed , a. Free from agitation; calm; sedate; quiet; tranquil; self possessed. [1913 Webster] The Mantuan there in sober triumph sate, Composed his posture, and his look sedate. Pope. {Com*pos ed*ly}, adv. {Com*pos ed*ness}, n. [1913 …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 66Composedness — Composed Com*posed , a. Free from agitation; calm; sedate; quiet; tranquil; self possessed. [1913 Webster] The Mantuan there in sober triumph sate, Composed his posture, and his look sedate. Pope. {Com*pos ed*ly}, adv. {Com*pos ed*ness}, n. [1913 …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 67fibroelastic — Composed of collagen and elastic fibers. * * * fi·bro·elas·tic .fī (.)brō i las tik adj consisting of both fibrous and elastic elements <fibroelastic tissue> * * * fi·bro·elas·tic (fi″bro e lasґtik) composed of fibrous and elastic… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 68fibrous — Composed of or containing fibroblasts, and also the fibrils and fibers of connective tissue formed by such cells. * * * fi·brous fī brəs adj 1) containing, consisting of, or resembling fibers <collagen is a fibrous protein> 2) characterized …

    Medical dictionary

  • 69isocellular — Composed of cells of equal size or of similar character. [iso + L. cellula, dim. of cella, a storeroom] * * * iso·cel·lu·lar (i″so selґu lər) [iso + cellular] composed of cells of the same kind and size …

    Medical dictionary

  • 70multicellular — Composed of many cells. * * * mul·ti·cel·lu·lar sel yə lər adj having or consisting of many cells mul·ti·cel·lu·lar·i·ty .sel yə lar ət ē n, pl ties * * * mul·ti·cel·lu·lar (mul″te selґu lər) [multi + cellular] 1. composed of many… …

    Medical dictionary