Seize or pluck by the beard

  • 11Reaping — Reap Reap (r[=e]p), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Reaped} (r[=e]pt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Reaping}.] [OE. repen, AS. r[=i]pan to seize, reap; cf. D. rapen to glean, reap, G. raufen to pluck, Goth. raupjan, or E. ripe.] 1. To cut with a sickle, scythe, or… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 12Reaping hook — Reap Reap (r[=e]p), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Reaped} (r[=e]pt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Reaping}.] [OE. repen, AS. r[=i]pan to seize, reap; cf. D. rapen to glean, reap, G. raufen to pluck, Goth. raupjan, or E. ripe.] 1. To cut with a sickle, scythe, or… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 13Kalevala (synopses) — The Kalevala is considered the national epic of Finland. It was compiled and edited by Elias Lönnrot while he was a district health officer in (then under the governance of Russia) eastern Finland. The poem consists of 50 runos or cantos and… …
