- Advani
- This is a surname of Sindhi (Indian) origins. In conception it dates back several centuries, but specifically to the period of 1936 - 1955 when the Sind formed a separate state in its own right in the continent of India. The surname was originally pure Sindi, but of more recent times some forms have been adopted by followers of Islam, although it remains predominantly Indian and Punjabi. The study of names on what is known as the Indian Sub-Continent is a fascinating science in its own right, and requires a serious grounding in the study of the various religious and secular influences which have lead to the creation and development of a surname. Our specialisation is in Western surnames but from our knowledge we can say that this surname name is a form of patronymic, in that the suffix of ''-ani'' describes a descendant of the grandfather or great, great, grandfather, a Mr Adomal who was alive some seventy years ago. Adomal is believed to mean ''developer of ideas'' or similar.
Surnames reference. 2013.