
Recorded in several spellings including Tampen, Tampion, Tampin, Temping, Tompion, and others, this is an unusual surname. Like Tamlin and Tamplin, it is a diminutive of the Middle English and Scottish personal name Tam or Tom or Thom, the intrusive "p" when it occurs, being an aid to pronunciation in some parts of the county. In Generally the personal name was a Crusader introduction after the 12th century, and rapidly achieved great popularity thoughout England, Scotland and Wales, generally as Thomas, Thomson and in Scotland Tamson. The name means "The twin" in Hebrew, and prior to the various crusades to the Holy Land in the medieval period, was generally only recorded as a priests name in the British Isles. As Tompion it is one of the most famous of all surnames, with Thomas Tompion (1639 - 1713) being regarded as the father of English watch making. It is said that before he came into prominence in 1675, only the continent was considered to have the necessary skills, but (quote) 'he left English watches and clocks as the finest in the world.' His clock in the Pump Room at Bath, installed in 1709, is still in excellent working order. Amongst the early recordings is that of Peter Tampeyn of Suffolk in the Hundred Roll of 1327, and John Tampion at St Vedast church, Foster Row, city of London, on August 30th 1592.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • Tampion — Tam pi*on, n. [F. tampon, tapon, tape, of Dutch or German origin. See {Tap} a pipe or plug, and cf. {Tamp}, {Tampop}, {Tompion}.] [Written also {tampeon}, and {tompion}.] 1. A wooden stopper, or plug, as for a cannon or other piece of ordnance,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tampion — (n.) early 15c., plug, bung, from M.Fr. tampon, nasalized variant of O.Fr. tapon piece of cloth to stop a hole (late 14c.), a suffixed form of Frankish *tappo stopper, plug, related to O.H.G. zapfo and O.E. tæppa stopper (see TAP (Cf. tap) (2)).… …   Etymology dictionary

  • tampion — [tam′pē ən] n. [Fr tampon, nasalized form of tapon < Frank * tappo, akin to TAP2] a plug or stopper put in the muzzle of a gun not in use …   English World dictionary

  • Tampion — A tampion is wooden plug, or a metal, canvas, rubber or plastic cover, for the muzzle of a gun. They can be found on both land based artillery and naval guns. However, the naval tampions have developed into works of art.Although the cannons of… …   Wikipedia

  • tampion — also tompion noun Etymology: obsolete tampion, tampin plug more at tamp Date: circa 1625 a wooden plug or a metal or canvas cover for the muzzle of a gun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tampion — /tam pee euhn/, n. a plug or stopper placed in the muzzle of a piece of ordnance when not in use, to keep out dampness and dust. Also, tompion. [1425 75; late ME tampyon, var. of tampon < MF, nasalized var. of OF tapon, deriv. of tape plug < Gmc …   Universalium

  • tampion — noun a) A wooden plug, or a metal or canvas cover for the muzzle of a gun, a cannon or other piece of ordnance when not in use; a stopper; a bung. b) A plug for the upper end of an organ pipe …   Wiktionary

  • tampion — [ tampɪən] (also tompion) noun 1》 a wooden stopper for the muzzle of a gun. 2》 a plug for the top of an organ pipe. Origin ME: from Fr. tampon tampon …   English new terms dictionary

  • tampion — tam·pi·on …   English syllables

  • tampion — tam•pi•on [[t]ˈtæm pi ən[/t]] n. mil a plug placed in the muzzle of a piece of ordnance to keep it free of moisture and dirt when not in use • Etymology: 1615–25; earlier, any type of plug or bung; late ME, var. of tampon < MF, alter. of OF… …   From formal English to slang

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