
Recorded as Sarchwell, Searchwell, and Serchwell, although this form may be extinct, this is an English surname. It is locational from some place whose spelling is presumably the same or similar to that of the surname forms. However no such place has definately been identified. This is not in itself unique in fact some three thousand surnames pf the British Isles are believed to originate from now 'lost' medieval sites, and this is almost certainly one to add to the list. As to why places disappeared has been the subject of several books. Usually it was because of changes to farming practices, the introduction of sheeps for instance which required fewer farm hands. To this was added the draining of the wetlands and fens bertween the 14th and 19th centuries, although plague, war, and coastal erosion have also played their part. The surname may translate as "Seur's spring", with Seur being an early Norse personal name, and waella, a spring or minor branch of a river.It is quite well recorded in the surviving registers of the city of London from at least early Stuart times. The earliest recording from this source would seem to be Martha Searchwell who married Anthony Simpson on Auguist 31st 1606, at St Dionis Backchurch.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • Sarchwell — Recorded as Sarchwell, Searchwell, and Serchwell, although this form may be extinct, this is an English surname. It is locational from some place whose spelling is presumably the same or similar to that of the surname forms. However no such place …   Surnames reference

  • Searchwell — Recorded as Sarchwell, Searchwell, and Serchwell, although this form may be extinct, this is an English surname. It is locational from some place whose spelling is presumably the same or similar to that of the surname forms. However no such place …   Surnames reference

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