
Recorded in a variety of spellings including Magister, Master, the patronymics Masters and Masterson, the occupational Masterman, this is an ancient Anglo-Scottish surname, but one originally of Roman (Latin) origins. It derives from the word 'magister', meaning a superior, one who was in charge. This word dates back to the very dawn of written history, at least two thousand b.c. It could mean a chief or elder of a tribe or village, and later, a more general meaning of an educated person, when few were, such as a teacher or magistrate. Whilst almost certainly a word used during the Roman occupation of England between 55 and 410 a.d., it did not come into more general use for seven hundred years later, and then after the Norman Invasion of 1066. The new administration insisted that all charters, and other transactions were recorded in Latin, a system and its methods, which in many respects both in England and Scotland, has survived into the 20th century. In England, French, was imposed as the official language, but this edict had only limited success, and was abandoned by Edward 1st of England in 1296. However in medieval times 'masters' in their various forms, were required everwhere, since they represented the secular or non religious need for academics. Early examples of the surname recordings taken from surviving rolls and charters of the period include: Angues le Maistre, in the Hundred Rolls of Cambridge in 1273, and Thomas Magistre, in the same rolls. Robert Maistersone was a 'hostage' in Galloway, Scotland in 1300, Richard Maysterman, is recorded in 'Pardons' roll' for Cambridge, in 1383, William Maisters of Stafford in 1327, and Johannes Maister and Willelmus Mausterman in the Poll Tax rolls of Yorkshire in 1379.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • MAGISTER — quantus in Imperio titulus olim fuerit, indicat Cassiodor. Variar. l. 6. form. 6. de Magisteria dignitate. His tribui solet, qui velclassi, societati et muneri praesunt, vel in scientia aliqua, praesertim literaria, eminentiae gradum consecuti… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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  • magister — [ maʒistɛr ] n. m. • 1452; mot lat. 1 ♦ Vx Maître d école de village. 2 ♦ Mod. et péj. Pédant. ⇒ cuistre. ⊗ HOM. Magistère. ● magister nom masculin (latin magister, maître) Littéraire. Pédant. ● magister (homonymes) nom masculin …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Magister — Sm erw. fach. (9. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. magister Vorsteher, Lehrer , zu l. magis mehr (vgl. Minister zum Gegenteil). Die alte Entlehnung wird zu nhd. Meister, die lateinische Form zu einer Bezeichnung des Universitäts Lehrers (heute… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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  • Magister — (lat.), 1) Vorsteher, Aufseher, Anführer, Oberhaupt, so der Vorsitzende einer Gesellschaft, z.B. M. bibendi, so v.w. Arbiter bibendi; Vorsteher mehrer Priestercollegien, z.B. der Augustales u. Salii (s. b.); der M. equĭtum, Befehlshaber der… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • magister — MAGÍSTER s. m. titlu ştiinţific între cel de diplomat universitar şi cel de doctor. (< lat. magister) Trimis de raduborza, 06.05.2008. Sursa: MDN …   Dicționar Român

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