
This surname of late medieval Italian origins, is one of the many examples of what etymologically is known as "The John tribe", and specifically the "Giovanni" branch. These branches include Ciacco, Iaco, Zacco, Ciapo, Giacomo, Lapo and Papo etc., all of which derive ultimately from the ancient Hebrew personal name John. It is not known how many surnames world-wide originate from "John", but the variant forms run into many hundreds and possibly thousands. In this case, Gini is from the same sub-group as Gino, Ginie, Ginni, Gynni, Gian, Gianni etc.. Of all the regions in Europe, none provides such a flexibility of surname form as Italy, name spellings changing at will, generation to generation. In this case the developing forms include the following recordings; Giovanni Giani, recorded at Settala, Milan, on March 23rd 1778; Steffani Ginni of Ligsdorf, Haut Rhin, on November 11th 1777; whilst in London, on August 27th 1792, is found the unusual recording of Jane Ginia who married John Harwood, at St. Dunstan's Church, Stepney. On April 4th 1821, one Esther Ginni (or Gynni) is recorded at Langenbruck, Baset. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Armaud Ginie, which was dated July 30th 1749, a witness at Belcastle et Buc, France, during the reign of King Louis XV of France, 1715 - 1774. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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