
This surname is of French origins, and is habitational for one who resides at an enclosure in a wood. The origination is the Latin "cohors", through the medieval "courte", the name appearing in England probably as a result of the "Flemish Weavers", although this is not proven. What is certain is that both in France and the Netherlands, the name is of aristocratic origins, through the Count Cours de Pauilhac, and the Count Cours Van den Hemert, at least four Coats of Arms being granted to nameholders. In England the recordings date back to at least early Elizabethan times, although it is also clear that further immigration occurred with the 17th Century Huguenots. An example being Jacop Corselles (as spelt), recorded at the French Huguenot Church, Threadneedle Street, London, on March 2nd 1623. Other recordings include: Robert Course, a witness at the Church of St. Lawrence Jewry, on March 29th 1638, and David Corss, christened at the Church of St. Sepulchre's, London, on November 9th 1750, during the reign of King George 11 (1727 - 1760). The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Samuell Corse, which was dated November 6th 1562, christened at St. Peter's, Thornhill, London, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1, known as "Good Queen Bess", 1558 - 1603. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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