
Recorded as Caron, Charon, Cheron, and the diminutives Caronet, Cheronnet, and Cheroneau, this is a famous French surname. It originates from the ancient Celtic and Breton word "car" meaning love, and as such was originally a personal and baptismal name of endearment, which in medieval times developed into a surname. The name was also carried by a 5th century saint, who it is said lived at Chartres, and was eventually murdered by bandits. His fame subsequently spread throughout France, and his relics were considered to have special powers of healing. It is not perhaps surprising then that the surname itself has had a measure of popularity which has carried it through the centuries. In this case early examples of the surname recording taken from early surviving church registers of France, most were destroyed in the Revolution of 1792, include: Etienne Charon who married Denise Cueillette in Paris, on December 1st 1575, Julien Charon, christened at St Augustin Angers, in the department of Maine-et-Loire, on August 28th 1617, and Felipes Caron, the son of Esthienne and Marie Caron, christened at Conde-sur-L'estcaut, department of Nord, on January 14th 1623.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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